Rules and Regulations
Attendance and Leave
- Every student must complete 85% of school attendance to qualify for appearing in the annual examination. In very rare and genuine cases, shortage of ten lectures may be condoned by the Principal.
- Attendance in the Morning Assembly is compulsory.
- No leave application will be entertained if it is not properly endorsed by the authorized guardian/parent.
- Attendance at school function, co-curricular activities, extra classes is equally compulsory and the same norms, as mentioned above, are applicable to such activities too.
- A student must get his/her leave sanctioned in advance otherwise he/she may be punished
- Continuous absence for 6 days without prior information may lead to sticking the name from school roll.
Payment of Fees
Fee is to be deposited by the 10th of alternate months. The students newly admitted in the school will pay the fee for April-May at the time of admission. In the interest of the parents, it is advisable to pay the fee in time.
Other Terms and Conditions Regarding Fee:
- Admission Fee is payable once at the time of admission only.
- Refund of students security should be claimed within one year of leaving the school. After one year the security will lapse.
- Fee once paid will neither be refunded nor be adjusted for any reason.
- Fee book must be retained for Income Tax rebate. No separate certificate will be issued.
Student Security
Security is charged once at the time of admission & refund of security can be claimed within one year of leaving the school only. No claim would be entertained thereafter.
Procedure for Withdrawal
- Prior to the withdrawal of a student from the school, a month’s notice or the payment of a month’s fee in lieu of notice is required.
- The principal can ask a student to withdraw from school on any one of the following grounds:
- Constant continuous poor performance in studies
- Irregularity in attendance
- Indiscipline
- Non- Payment of the fee or irregularity in payment.
- No school leaving certificate is issued without a written application from the parent/ guardian. All school dues must be cleared before applying for the certificate.