General School Rules
Good manners and a high standard of behaviour are required at all times.
No climbing on walls, roofs, trees.
No ball games are allowed in the classroom area or close to buildings.
Jewellery: earrings must be one pair of simple studs (girls only). No other items of jewellery must be worn during school hours. All forms of body piercing are not permitted.
No sweets, food or drinks are allowed in class or in the main building.
Chewing of gum is not allowed in school.
The school buildings and grounds must be kept clean and tidy at all times and treated with proper care. No litter.
Pupils should be neat and tidy. Top buttons of shirts must be fastened and ties should be pushed up to the collar and properly tied. Ties must be of an appropriate length.
Pupils should follow the instructions of prefects.
Shoes should be clean and polished. Laces must be tied.
Pupils will not be allowed in school with extreme hair styles. Girls’ hair should not be so short that the scalp shows through and streaked or artificially coloured hair is not allowed. If the hair is below the collar or covers the eyes, it must be tied back with a bottle green or black hair-elastic or clipped back with a plain slide. Boys’ hair should not reach the collar, cover the eyes or be so short that the scalp shows through. Shaping products such as gel are not allowed. Artificially coloured or streaked hair, beards or moustaches will not be allowed. Pupils arriving at school with extreme hair styles may be sent home.
Pupils will not be allowed to interrupt lessons to collect forgotten books or equipment. Only in an emergency will pupils be allowed out of lessons.
Pupils should follow the classroom rules.
No running in any part of the school or between main building and dining room. Pupils should move about the school in a quiet and orderly way.
Homework must be carefully done at the right time and handed in promptly.
Any property found in the school buildings and grounds must be handed in to the office.
All accidents should be reported immediately to the school office.
Pupils may not leave the school premises at lunchtime, unless permission has been obtained from the principal. (day pupils only have permission to leave at the end of the day).
Mobile phone use (day pupils)
- Day pupils may bring phones to school but they must be switched off at all times.
- Urgent calls home must be made from the school office.
Computer use
- Pupils may only use the IT rooms with the permission from a member of staff.
- Eating or drinking is not permitted in the IT rooms.
- Pupils must not attempt to change PC settings.
Serious offences for which expulsion or suspension will definitely be considered appropriate.
Any boy found in a girls’ dormitory or girl in a boys’ dormitory.
Possession of a weapon, such as a knife or blade.
Possession or concealment of fire-making materials such as matches and lighters.
The use of a mobile phone during lesson time.
Repetitive breaking of school rules.
Deliberately accessing pornographic material or inappropriate websites.
Behaviour which hinders or stops the learning of those around.
Any action that endangers fellow students or school property. Entering or departing any building via a window.
Leaving the school grounds without permission.
Behaviour that is inconsistent with the well-being and reputation of the school.
Stealing (please note that deliberately hiding property constitutes stealing).
Smoking, drinking alcohol or possession of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.